BOSCH project

Increasing accessibility of maternal and child health services in the far unreached 10 villages of Bassi block of Jaipur district in Rajasthan

The FPA India – Bosch project proposed to create a model for maternal and child health and family planning service delivery to increase accessibility of maternal and child health services in 10 remote villages of Bassi Block of Jaipur District in Rajasthan. The strategy envisaged creating an interface between the existing government service delivery points and the community. It aimed to establish a comprehensive and integrated service delivery model – working in close coordination with the existing public and private sector infrastructure and creating local capacities to ensure sustainability of the initiative.

The programme seeks to:

  • Improve the health status of women and children through improved access and quality reproductive and child health services, with focused attention on the most vulnerable sections of the society.
  • To promote positive health-seeking behaviour in the community, particularly in the age group of 15-49 years.
  • To improve status of ante-natal check-ups, post-natal check-ups and promote institutional deliveries amongst target group.
  • Provide health services in the community in 10 villages of Bassi Block who have limited access to health services.
  • To educate school-going and out-of-school adolescent girls and boys through comprehensive sexuality education sessions (family life education) in government and private schools in project areas, over a period of three years.

Through special service sessions in the community, the project could provide primary health checks-ups of women and children. The focus was given on ante-natal care, post-natal care of mother and newborn baby, treatment of RTIs/STIs, counseling services on RCH/MCH, anemia, nutrition, hygien

As a part of SRH care, family planning services (IUD insertion, providing injectable DMPA, OCPs, condoms) and referrals for sterilisation were also offered through the project.

Models of Programming for Sexual and Reproductive Health Care developed under VICALP

Models of Programming for Sexual and Reproductive Health Care developed under VICALP

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