Committed to Serve our Communities Amidst the Pandemic!

As the severely stretched health system in India continues to prioritize COVID-19 related activities in a desperate attempt to contain the pandemic, non-COVID related health services and sustained development work has been inadvertently sidelined. COVID-19 has set us all back in countless ways! There have been increased instances of gender-based violence and mental health issues are on the rise too!

The unprecedented lockdown situation has not only affected the economy but also had an enormous impact on the lives of poor and vulnerable groups, including children, adolescents and women, increasing their vulnerabilities, keeping from accessing essential & time-sensitive health services, impeding their livelihood education opportunities. These vulnerable groups usually remain outside social security nets. They are disempowered. They are unable to make informed choices and decisions about their health and entitlements.

The impact of this virus promises to be nothing short of catastrophic, as the development community struggles to respond to the immediate needs of the crisis and attempts to ensuring sustainable and inclusive recovery from the socio-economic shocks particularly for the most vulnerable populations.

FPA India's resilient teams have been at the forefront, despite the lockdown, to deliver essential clinical services to women and children who are the most affected in such fragile situations.

Our clients have been able to access the following essential health services:

  • Awareness and sensitization sessions on COVID-19
  • Screening for COVID-19 (referrals to Government facilities for testing when needed)
  • Counseling
  • Telemedicine (counseling, consultations, follow-ups) for those unable to visit our clinics
  • Sexual & Reproductive health care including
    • Family planning
    • Safe abortion care
    • Maternal & Child healthcare (immunization, testing for HIV/AIDS)
  • Gender-Based Violence screening and counseling

In addition to providing basic and essential healthcare, FPA India continues to enable, support and help restore livelihood initiatives through various approaches including forming of and working with Self-Help Groups (SHGs). The pandemic has paved the way for the collective strength of self-help groups (SHGs) to come to the fore.

These groups have been involved in

  • Meeting shortfalls in facemasks, sanitizers and personal protective equipment (PPE),
  • Running community kitchens,
  • Fighting misinformation by sensitizing people about health, hygiene and safety practices to follow.

Number of people screened for COVID-19


Number of people provided with essential SRH services


Number of unintended pregnancies averted


Number of women provided with safe abortion services


Number of clients served through Tele-medicine services


Total number of health services provided

1. Providing Telemedicine Services during the Lockdown

Responding to the growing need to SRH services and the dire shortage of avenues during the National lockdown, FPA India initiated tele-consultation services throughout the country. We observed that teleservices not only helped our existing clients to continue their consultations, but also helped people, who were otherwise not able to seek medical attention, get expert help. Covering a host of services, FPA India's Gwalior Branch helped over 800 people in a short time period of 3 months and strives to continue serving the local communities in every way possible.


2. Women lead the way!

Tailoring unit at FPA India Lucknow Branch, under the JTF Project, has taken the initiative of stitching face masks and distributing them to the local communities in nearby areas.


3. FPA India Champions

a) The story of Mr. Mohd. Shaukath Ali is a story of dedication towards duty. Battling his own fears and that of his family of six, Mr. Ali, a driver in FPA India Hyderabad Branch, is ensuring the safety of the doctors and staff by plying them to-and-from the RHFPC.

Like everyone else, Mr. Ali also had his own fears in the initial days of the outbreak. But once counselled by the General Manager, he is confident of his safety and that of his family. Following the strictest norms of personal protection, Mr. Ali is happy to be part of FPA India's endeavor to serve communities in need.


b) Mr. Sanjeev Kumar is a youth volunteer under stigma project of FPA India Murhu Project. Responding to the call for volunteers by the district administration, he has been supporting them in manning the phone lines and relaying various issues cropping up from across the district to the District Collector's office.

Taking this responsibility as his moral duty, Mr. Kumar has been instrumental within the District Covid-19 Control Room from where he is also responding to the numerous distress calls from migrant workers who are residing outside of Jharkhand